Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend

Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend

? Love should be like breathing. It should just be a quality in us, no matter where we are, with whom, or even when we are alone, love still overflows within.

? The tragedy in love is when two people lose the ability to communicate with each other, but the cruelest thing is still not being able to touch the person who sympathizes with us, who we accidentally meet in a strange place, can listen, share every heart, who has deviated from the time trajectory of fate. That person has come too late, only to pass through life and leave a love that sinks into hopelessness but can’t be forgotten. The person one can trust completely, secretly with them will be the past more vivid than ever.
? It is a tender relationship, and at the same time, full of insecurities. The relationship can’t come to a definite end, but at the moment they chase each other and whisper, to say something in the other’s ear. Promise? Confession? Or goodbye… it could be anything, and maybe it’s something we’re sure of that we can’t forget each other.
? Love does not matter long or short, nor does it matter with results or not, but the important thing is that love can help us grow and perfect.
? Sometimes, we miss a person, but, when we talk, we get intimate with them, we realize that we miss that person even more. Because, in the present, they have changed.
we still remember that old person, in that place. No matter what we do, we can’t bring that person back.
? The truth is that we don’t fall in love easily, sometimes we get too angry or out of control and cause hurtful things that we don’t mean.
But even with all of that, there is a patient, peaceful, determined person who is there and loves us with all those laziness and delays. Someone who decides to love us even when we can’t stand it.
? In the end, we all just want one person to be with us all the time, everywhere, rather than many people, no matter what the circumstances.
   Don’t go ahead of me, maybe I won’t follow,
Don’t walk behind me, maybe I won’t be the one to lead
                                          Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend
( Mindartsy Author) 

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