Children Are The Greatest Healers

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, March 8 is also a special occasion to give to women. This is also an opportunity for you to show your love for your Mother, Wife or Lover. And this is also an opportunity for us to return to our childhood to look back to appreciate the nurturing grace of the parents. At the same time, through the image of a child, Viet-Flower wants to send a profound message that:

“We are beings person with souls who can’t stop loving each other,
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Happiness Does Not Borrow Or Depend On Anyone Outside Of Yourself

? We spend a lot of time waiting for love, hoping it will come on its own. We seek, especially long for love, feeling empty and lost without it. We want to love someone and we still expect that someone will fill the vast, empty space within inter each of us.

? Unfortunately, that’s usually not how this life active. When we learn to love ourselves, we build our worth too and self-esteem,
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Walk Beside Me and Be My Friend

? Love should be like breathing. It should just be a quality in us, no matter where we are, with whom, or even when we are alone, love still overflows within.

? The tragedy in love is when two people lose the ability to communicate with each other, but the cruelest thing is still not being able to touch the person who sympathizes with us, who we accidentally meet in a strange place,
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