A bouquet of 12 red roses and a white teddy bear, Please note that we can only deliver this arrangement in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and all surrounding districts only.
One Dozen Red Roses, White Teddy Bear, and a Chocolate Box.
Please note that we can only deliver this arrangement in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and all surrounding districts only.
A bouquet of 24 Pink roses and a white teddy bear, Please note that we can only deliver this arrangement in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) and all surrounding districts only.
$40.00 – $135.00
Say it with flowers, when no words will speak the feelings in your heart. This all-red roses arrangement is hand-arranged by our florists with classic red roses accented with seeded eucalyptus and variegated pittosporum.
All-around arrangement with 12 stem pink and/or red roses accented with assorted greenery.