Happiness Does Not Borrow Or Depend On Anyone Outside Of Yourself
? We spend a lot of time waiting for love, hoping it will come on its own. We seek, especially long for love, feeling empty and lost without it. We want to love someone and we still expect that someone will fill the vast, empty space within inter each of us.
? Unfortunately, that’s usually not how this life active. When we learn to love ourselves, we build our worth too and self-esteem, which is the only reliable way to create love in our own lives that we can share with others.
? When we expect love from an outside source, and someone or something doesn’t meet our void and imagination, we only feel worse. This love yourself is not frivolous, unhealthy, or self-image, or only much a focus on self ambition, achievement, and our possessions.

? Deep understanding comes only when we have the strength to be independent and feel comfortable in our true selves, then we will be able to share the love with others. Because all friendly feelings towards others are extended feelings of a person towards himself.
? We cannot share what we do not have. If we do not love ourselves, we cannot love anyone else. The only way to be truly happy is to find that unconditional love for yourself.
? Life must begin with each individual personality. It has to be about realizing your worth and what you want and what you love. Everyone needs to love themselves in their own way and know that they are worthy of being treated with respect and love. If we get l less than love from someone else, we don’t need that person in our lives.

? You must know how to be alone to love others. It sounds contradictory at first, but no, this is an obvious fact, only those who have the ability to endure loneliness have the ability to love someone, the ability to share, the ability to touch others the deepest level of another’s inner self without ever possessing or dependent on others, without bringing others down and without becoming “addicted” to others.
? You let the people you love completely free because you understand that, if someone leaves you, you will continue to be as happy as they are.
? Your happiness does not borrow or depend on anyone outside of yourself.
( Mind Artsy Author)