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Morgan Scott Peck (May 23, 1936 – September 25, 2005) was an American psychiatrist and author, best known for his first book, The Road Less Traveled, published in 1978
Morgan Scott Peck (23 tháng 5 năm 1936 – 25 tháng 9 năm 2005) là một bác sĩ tâm thần và tác giả người Mỹ, nổi tiếng với cuốn sách đầu tiên, The Road Less Traveled, xuất bản năm 1978.
Viet-flowers would like to send this inspirational quote Morgan Scott Peck’s post of provides that paves the road for each and every one wanting to travel the path that is only theirs to take.
- By lucy
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Napoleon was born in Wise Country, Virginia, in 1883. And from his humble beginnings he went on to becoming the granddad of the personal success genre, influencing countless millions with his philosophy, and achievement mantra . . . “What the mind of a man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
He was the first author to write about, and make public, the connection between success and the powers of the mind;