You Cannot Find Yourself In The Past Or Future

☄️ Always remember God. Each and every event, everywhere, is by His Will alone and is for our own good. Each thing in our lives is always only Blessing, even though it may not appear so, at the time. – Mooji

☄️ Happiness is simply to allow everything to be exactly as it is from moment to moment. – Rupert Spira, The Ashes of Love


☄️ When you wash your hands, when you make a cup of coffee, when you’re waiting for the elevator – instead of indulging in thinking, these are all opportunities for being there as a still, alert presence. – Eckhart Tolle

☄️ Look in all experience for that which does not appear, move, change, evolve or disappear, and know yourself like that.Rupert Spira, The Ashes of Love

☄️ Remain empty and watch your day unfold in the silence of being. – Mooji

☄️ You cannot find yourself in the past or future. The only place where you can find yourself is in the Now. – Eckhart Tolle

☄️ You say you want to get rid of the noise, but you and the noise go together. You have to be you without ‘you’ and all noise will stop. The real you is the formless witness within. The person, the noisy one, is only imagined. – Eckhart Tolle

☄️ You are the Sky. The Clouds are what happens, what comes and goes. – Eckhart Tolle

☄️ It is through the mistakes that the greatest learning happens on an inner level. – Eckhart Tolle

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