On the occasion of International Women’s Day, March 8 is also a special occasion to give to women. This is also an opportunity for you to show your love for your Mother, Wife or Lover. And this is also an opportunity for us to return to our childhood to look back to appreciate the nurturing grace of the parents. At the same time, through the image of a child, Viet-Flower wants to send a profound message that:
“We are beings person with souls who can’t stop loving each other, stop loving nature and we plunge into the experience, enjoy it. When we get caught up in the struggles for survival, suffering all the seemingly negative things from this state, we reject love, we forget about it.”
? There is a little girl holding a card with hearts printed on it and when asked what she is doing?
? She replied, “I am sending love and peace everywhere and to the monsters too so that we can become more beautiful and happy!”.Children are the absolute healers in this life.
? Children will represent the inner child, and our relationship with them reveals our relationship with our inner child. If we want to heal ourselves and others, the first thing we need is to learn how to be friends with children.
? They are wise teachers. They teach us lessons about patience, pure love to promote cognitive maturation in each person. Let the innocence in children be our teacher. Learn to be open to loving all children, not just our own or their parents or not, for we are all here to support these children as they come to Earth & they anchor into pure love to create new things.
? We are adults, we should not be too quick to limit them with our eyes or outdated our ideas, our fears, or even our insecurities. We need to reprogram ourselves to give our children the opportunity to thrive without the ancestral limitations and trauma of past experiences, dogma, right, and wrong.

? We don’t know that. Today’s children are created from a higher level of consciousness, more empathy, more balance, higher vibration. They integrate and accept multidimensional reality, carrying legacies in a high-vibration place, most likely far from Earth with all these dogmas and judgments. We could call them “Children from the Stars”.
? Many adults, due to lack of balance, fail to hear the messages these children bring. They are too stressed and this interferes with the reality of life in terms of perception. These children have very different characteristics, they have completely new ways of communicating and connecting, and for one reason, it is to help awaken our inner self to truly listen in new ways. Extrasensory protocols.
? Finally, we realize that the ultimate experience is not exhilaration, wealth, power, or fame. That is love.
? And love has a secret. We want to be liked, but we want to love someone or something more. It is our spiritual nature, to live to love. Our souls are made out of love and we can’t stop radiating it. That’s what makes us who we are.
? We are beings person with souls who can’t stop loving each other, stop loving nature and we plunge into the experience, enjoy it. When we get caught up in the struggles for survival, suffering all the seemingly negative things from this state, we reject love, we forget about it.
? But that’s just a momentary thought driven by the situation, our mind can’t stop our soul from wanting to be loved unconditionally. It continues to do so, whether we like it or not, whether we run away from it or not.
? Hopefully, as we become more discerning and wiser, and learn to appreciate good and bad experiences, we will reconnect with the spirit of a child instead of an adult with all sorts of things. skepticism, prejudice barriers.
We become children again and rediscover our ability to love everything and everyone around us. We return to a happy, beautiful, and meaningful life. We return to love. And peace will be in everyone’s mind.
( Mind Artsy Author )