Where Awareness And Love Meet As One, That Is The Home Of Wisdom And Liberation

Where Awareness And Love Meet As One, That Is The Home Of Wisdom And Liberation

“Each time the attention goes to the head wanting to solve something, I point you to the Heart, where everything is nicely dissolved in perfect Wholeness. ~ Mooji

“Then you realize that you know nothing, a space of openness and humility prevails. Then real understanding enters the mind and guides it to the Heart”. ~ Adyashanti

As we drop the ego and all of the egoic motivations, what we are left with is acting from love. We do what we do out of love: Love for life, love for family, love for humanity.” ~ Adyashanti

“When we realize who we are, we no longer have this endless confusion, this eternal battle with ourselves. Therefore we tend to not struggle with others or the world.” ~ Adyashanti

“This isn’t about thought or no thought. It’s about ‘Where is your attention?’ That’s the game-changer.” ~ Adyashanti

“When we stop taking responsibility for how we feel, we project how we feel onto others. One of the fundamental insights about emotional maturity is that we are responsible for our own emotional lives.” ~ Adyashanti “The Way of Liberating Insight” Audio Course

“True life is not the life of the ego with all of its neurotic fears and desire for control and security. True life is a life lived from the vitality of spirit.” ~ Adyashanti

“It’s useful and important to have a sense inside yourself of moving through the chaos with absolute truthfulness, integrity, and honesty. These are the energies that keep you from losing balance.” ~ Adyashanti

“Don’t try to figure things out in your mind. Be willing to be quiet and receptive rather than try to get the answer.” ~ Adyashanti

“The world needs our hearts, and our courage, and the light of our being.” ~ Adyashanti

“Freedom is the realization that everything and everybody gets to be exactly as they are. Unless we’ve come to that point, unless we’ve seen that this is how reality sees things, then we’re actually withholding freedom from the world.” ~ Adyashanti

“Don’t make allowing everything to be just the way it is into a goal. Make it into a discovery. What happens when you allow all your experience to simply be the way it is?” ~ Adyashanti



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