You Attract And Manifest Whatever Corresponds To Your Inner State

You Attract And Manifest Whatever Corresponds To Your Inner State

?Overcome anger by peacefulness: overcome evil by good. Overcome the mean by generosity; and the man who lies by truth.

? Where is silence until you discover it? Where is peace until you find it? Where is the real Self while you are searching for it? And who might you be?

? Don’t waste time watching and reacting to the minds of ‘others ‘. Your own mind causes more trouble than the minds of everyone put together.

? You attract and manifest whatever corresponds to your inner state.

? Letting go of inner resistance, you often find circumstances change for the better.

? To stay present in everyday life, it helps to be deeply rooted within yourself; otherwise, the mind, which has incredible momentum, will drag you along like a wild river.

? Faith is the beginning of all good things. No matter what we encounter in life, it is faith that enables us to try again, to trust again, to love again.

? Everything is workable. Everything that happens to us is an opportunity to pause, sit still and look at the deeper question of, “What is this doing for me?” so that I then can make choices about how my life is going to unfold.

? Warm-heartedness. Even animals appreciate it. If you are motivated by loving kindness, it will be reflected in the happy expression on your face. Real beauty is inner beauty.

? Whenever anything negative happens to you, there is a deep lesson concealed within it, although you may not see it at the time.

? You can’t help your mind creating a story from the things that you experience. All you can do is recognize that it is a story and let it go.

? To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.

? Knowledge is learning something new every day. Wisdom is letting go of some bad habits every day.

? We make choices every day. Our choices give us experiences. Our experiences give us lessons. Our lessons again give us choices to make a choice between positive & negative. This choice we made is through perspective. This perspective we have is wisdom.

?When you see your thoughts, and they’re not useful, develop the habit of moving your attention away from them.

☘ Everyday Wisdom ☘

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